AYA - Interlúdios, 2019
Installation at 'Metaverso'. Co-authored with AYA. Curated by Antonio Curti. Photos by Junior Viana.
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Interlúdios (Interludes) was a piece conceived as an in between space between the artworks at the 'Metaverso' exhibition. It plays with the overlaying of two sets of behaviors (of the group and of the individual bars) to generate emerging patterns out of random seeds.
It consists of a custom PCBs communicating in a wireless mesh. They agree on a general animation to follow, and each one of them generates its own pattern of light. -
AYA - Deu Liga!, 2019
Interfaces for interactive installations
'Deu Liga!' was a UEFA Champions League themed exhibition at Farol Santader, in São Paulo, Brazil. As Santander is one of the official sponsors of the event, they decided to have an exhibition paying homage to the diversity of nationalities of the players during the 2019 edition of Champions League.
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AYA was invited do produce the exhibition, and I was responsible for the custom interfaces for the interactive installations. -
Nonotak Gamma, 2019
DMX LED Panel Controllers
DMX controllers for an installation by Nonotak Studio at Adidas NITE JOGGER launch in Korea.
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Nonotak Zero Point Two, 2019
DMX Laser controllers
Custom hardware and firmware for installation by Nonotak Studio at MUTEK Spain 2019.
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Red Bull Basement University, 2018
Design and Hardware Mentorship
I was invited to mentor undergraduate projects during the first ever Red Bull Basement University program in 2018. During a month I had conversations with 7 groups from Italy, Japan, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Germany and Netherlands. In these mentorship sessions we address the project from concept to technicalities. The projects approached issues such as student loneliness, better allocation of spaces for students, recycling and raw materials for metallurgy exercises, water usage for irrigation in mountainous areas. In the end of November we all participated in the Global Meeting in Berlin, 4 days packed with talks, workshops, tours and project presentations. During these 4 days I was also able to continue guiding the projects and fine tune their presentations and concepts.
Controller for an installation by Nonotak at Japan House São Paulo. Curated by The Force.
Linobit, 2018
A Portable Core Rope ROM Device
Red Bull Basement Residency, 2018
Design and Hardware Mentorship
For 2018's residency, me and the other mentors have selected projects mainly related to Accessibility and Education:
Franzininho, open source electronics education;
LeBraille, low cost Braille displays;
Alquibots, open source tensegrity kits;
EPPO, accessibility project for students with cerebral palsy and
Automatic Shower, water saving project for northeast Brazil. -
Weightless Architecture, 2018
Controller for inflatables based installation
Interactive installation by Studio Pharus based on inflatables and presence sensors. Shown at Venice Design 2018. Winner of “Silver” prize in “Installation Design” during Brasil Design Awards 2018.
The Force Refraction, 2018
Network of laser controllers and ToF Distance sensing
RS-485 10W Laser controller and ToF sensor readers for The Force. They are used in a series of events, installations for a variety of brands.
MIDI controller based on IR distance sensors for DJ Pontifexx.
Linobyte, 2018
As computational devices evolve, more tools and interfaces are built between the user and the machine. This allows us to complete increasingly complex tasks without having to focus so much on understanding the nuances of the machine. While this movement is certainly overall positive, one of the drawbacks is that people no longer learn the fundamental processes and concepts which allow the tool to work. Added to that, by neglecting history, we forget the alternatives of the technologies that we use today - forgotten alternatives that maybe once were the status quo. Understanding of those alternatives would give us a broader view of the pros and cons of what we have today, how they superseded their ancestors and what are their pitfalls - important knowledge for those who design possible futures.
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Its with these preocupations in mind that Linobyte came into existence. It conciliates the explanation of how bits, bytes and chars work, with a hands on experience of creating Core Rope ROMs: read-only memories that were written by weaving an enameled copper wire through ferrite cores. -
Puke Stimulator, 2017
Controller for VR Game
Controller for a game based on a bottle or glass of wine. In game, you are drunk. The controller is a bottle or glass of wine that moves your character as you tilt your glass/bottle. Since the in game character is drunk, the controls shift/change over time, so you have to learn the new tilt directions in real time to figure out the new controls. In practice people that are playing the game look like they are drunk people waving bottles/glasses around. The presented version was accelerometer based but some iterations used arrays of capacitive liquid level sensing to determine tilt of the liquid, and how much you drank of the glass could determine the difficulty of the game. Group Project with Fabian Frei, Giacomo Piazzi and Guillem Sarria Verdu.
Drift A Part, 2017
Robotic "Data" Vis
Exploration of the difference between the real and the virtual (assumed) positions/characteristics of a thing due to noise in data assessment. This exploration was born from the desire to work with a part of data which we struggle a lot to get rid of: noise. During this constant struggle and maintenance, we do not necessarily realize how much noise we are removing.
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By leaving only noise and integrating the noise into speed, and then into distance (as would be done with real “valuable” data), we can visualize how much we would believe the part traveled without proper “information maintenance”. This concept not only relates to sensors, but also to how we can erroneously or distortedly assess informations about people, the world, relationships. As we cannot integrate the error of an assessment of a person over time, we are left to use sensors as metaphors. -
Slap Chat, 2017
Agressiveness / indifference translator
Tired of answering stupid emails? Had enough of being polite to rude people? Behold Slap-Chat, a indiference / agressiveness translator keyboard. Tap it gently to express indifference or slap it hard to express anger. It will type a message proportional to your input, from 'zzz' or 'k...' to 'f%#@ off' and worse! (way worse)
Chordata, 2017
Conductive elastomer based instrument
A musical controller that mixes the mechanical resonances, vibrations and elasticity of chorded instruments with the versatility of traditional MIDI controllers, based on conductive elastomers and copper tape as tangible interfaces.
Red Bull Basement Residency, 2017
Design and Hardware Mentorship
For 2017's residency, we chose to bring a lot of students and projects focused on bicycling:
ClimoBike, a bike mounted air quality meter;
A wearable to aid cyclist visibility and communication;
An open source wind generator
An open source weather monitor
An open source automation project for permaculture applications. -
I was invited to be a design mentor at the Rio de Janeiro location of United Nations international Connect2Effect Hackathon. The goal was to bring awareness and create projects dealing with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. My travel expenses and mentorship were funded by Red Bull.
Google Buttonwall, 2017
Permanent interactive installation
Hardware custom designed and built to run Deep Locals Anypixels.js at Google Headquarters Brazil. Due internal reasons, I was asked to redesign all the hardware (of which I built 100+ controller boards manually), Vitaliano Palmieri did the Firmware, adapted Anypixels.js and programmed some custom animations. Felipe Sztutman and GTM Scenography were responsible for putting it all together.
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This project was a technical and logistical tour de force. Google gave us the green light for the project mid February of 2017. In April 2017 it was installed and working.
It consists of approx. 7000 RGB backlit buttons, ~150 large PCBs (30k components placed by Fab House), ~150 small controller PCBs (5k hand placed components), ~25 RPis (~25 custom RPi shields), 2 servers and 2 UPS. -
Untitled Installation, 2017
RPi based permanent installation at Flag.CX São Paulo. Built with carbon fibre and 3D printed parts.
Infrared spectrography rigs, 2016
Mechanical design
Mechanical design of infrared spectrometry rigs. From complex parts with specific finishes and tolerances (such as reflection chamber, interference fitted parts and channels for o-rings) to more trivial parts such as funnels and thumbscrews. These parts were machined on a variety of materials (Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Teflon) or 3D printed.
Can Touch, 2016
Capacitive Can based MIDI instrument
'Flexible' display, 2016
Array of 5x7 characters
Rock in Rio Xtreme, 2015
GIF Making rig
GIF Making rig at Rock in Rio 2015. 6 Canon DSLRs and 6 RPis independently send .mp4s of the generated images to the server. The users could then retrieve their “GIFs” using NFC tags on their wristbands. I was responsible for mechanical design, mechanical fabrication and camera specification in this project. I also worked on the hardware for the energy management systems (the power outlets on the ride would shut down during parts of the ride, so we had to improvise a UPS into it) and sensors for triggering the cameras (accelerometers).
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Red Bull Basement Festival Hackathon, 2015
Design and Hardware Mentorship
I participated giving concept and electronics mentoring (and hands on help) to the groups of the Red Bull Festival Hackathon. During that weekend, we generated many ideas and models that could help bring life back to the old city centre in São Paulo. This also marked my first collaboration with Red Bull as a mentor, which would extend until the present in many projects, contexts and countries.
Red Bull Induction Machine, 2015
SMS activated vending machine
SMS activated vending machine for Red Bull Basement Festival in 2015.
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Ar, 2015
Heat transmitting installation
In the age of text messaging and digital information how can you represent and communicate your emotions digitally? Ar was an installation that reproduced the warmth of human breath during laughter, crying, anger, and other emotions. It consisted of a dark room with a high power IR drying lamp that would emanate heat into your skin, syncronized with audio recordings of breath in multiple situations.
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ETColor, 2015
Color based TAG game
ETColor is a color based tag game developed by Kosmo (Marcio Ambrosio and Sophie Klecker). I had the pleasure to work with the hardware for this project, facing interesting challenges such as power and data distribution, mechanical assembly, and weight reduction.
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This project toured through multiple cities in the state of São Paulo and was shown at FILE 2016 (International Festival of Electronic Language).
Amongst many contributions, just the option of changing the thickness of the PCB from 1.6mm to 0.8mm and cutting out the slots reduced the weight of each helmet by almost 1kg each. I also designed mirror-able PCBs, so that there was no more requirement for different designs. This design also allowed for connections of PCBs in series, enabling the usage of less cabling (only a 3cm jumper between adjacent PCBs). -
YouTube ScienceBox, 2014
IoT enabled crate
Wooden crates loaded with materials for educational experiments. As soon as a Youtube channel “Manual do Mundo” uploaded a video for that given experiment, the box would automatically open, so that the recipient could watch the video and participate along with the process.
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YouTube Playtags, 2014
Interactive Banner
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TED - Mighty Spaces, 2014
Video Clip
I built a datalogger attached to a Kite. The data was then used by Doubleleft to generate graphics overlayed in the video. The video was shown as opening for session 12 of TED South 2014.
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TED - Digital Reboot, 2014
Video Clip
MIDI controllers and lighting done for Aldo the band and their videoclip “Digital Reboot” for TED South!. It was the opening video for session 2 of the first ever TED Talks in South America. Based on Touch and Flex sensors, potentiometers, and LED drivers.
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Paper Spitters V2, 2014
blank comic strip distributing machine
Mechanical comic strip distributer. Designed and built in conjuntion with Marcio Ambrosio, from Kosmo.
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After the success of the 2012 'Paper Spitters', which toured through many of SESCs buildings through the state of São Paulo, SESC asked Kosmo to build two more for the 2014 International São Paulo Book Bienal.
We decided to maintain the same main structure that we had on the first one, however this time we chose to also use 3D Printing, replace the DC Motors for stepper motors, mechanical endstops for optical ones, and acrylic gears for 3D printed gears and rubber timing belts.
As in the other first one, we sketched the mechanisms together, Marcio designed and printed most of them, and I was responsible for the electronics and firmware. -
TUJU, 2014
Lamps for Tuju Restaurant
Project done with Neute Chvaicer. Massive 40m long network of lamps in Michelin starred restaurant Tuju.
Translators of Disruption, 2014
Talks and Workshops
Series of talks and workshops given at multiple companies in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre.
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Random Statistics, 2014
Datalogging of random objects
Ever thought of slapping a sensor onto something and measuring how many times a door is opened one day? How many times you open a drawer, or which toilet stall is the most used? With this in mind we created a quick experiment to measure data from random objects. With Andrei Speridiao and Vitaliano Palmieri Neto at Flag.cx.
Samsung Galaxy.ME, 2014
Multitouch surface with smartphone detector
Multitouch surface with smartphone detector. With Andrei Speridião and Vitaliano Palmieri Neto.
Doritos For the Bold, 2014
Hardware for VR experience
VR experience with 360 video and syncronized fans, LEDs, and mechanical switches.
Circadian Lamp, 2014
Color temperature / brightness / position
Color temperature and brightness controlled lamp. I could control it via its web interface if I’m working late at night, manually set a warmer tone during the day, or leave it following the regular daily schedule accourding to the time of the day.
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Grenade MKII and Green Car, 2014
Light Installations
Hardware for installations by Bijari at Virgilio Gallery and other places.
Rexona Motionsense, 2013
Motion / Temperature/ humidity sensing wearable
Wearable for Rexona. Built at FLAG.cx with Andrei Speridiao and Vitaliano Palmieri.
Cone, 2013
with Eloise Martins
“Cone” is a project in which two participants can explore space while chatting through microphones / headphones. As one user speaks, the others perception of space will be altered (inside the mask there is a screen, which is fed via a webcam and a computer, if the other person speaks, the program will alter the timing of the video feed).
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Tele Presence Bot, 2013
Stereo robotic camera
Built at Flag.cx with Andrei Speridiao (Mechanical design) and Vitaliano Palmieri (Software).
Big Bits, 2013
Interactive installation
Based on littlebits.cc.
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For an exhibition about history of toys, at SESC Pompeia, my friend Radames Ajna was tasked to import Little Bits for an interactive space. Considering the scale of SESC Pompeia, we then proposed an alternate solution: why not build little bits on the scale of a wall, where it would be easier for a crowd to interact with and view? Thus Big Bits was born. I created a logo and visual identity, redesigned the electronics and designed the mechanical parts, while Radames programmed the firmware where necessary and managed the fabrication of the parts (he also had other responsabilities in other parts of the exhibition). -
Mechanical Color Changer, 2013
For interactive installation
At the same exhibition where I showed Big Bits, I built a mechanical colored gel changer for Kosmos interactive installation.
Electronics Workshop, 2013
At SESC Consolação
Series of workshops that I gave at SESC Consolação, São Paulo, Brazil. From soldering, to basic electronics and programming.
Machine brass parts, DIY controller and other parts for my first 3D printer.
After my participation in previous events organized by Atletica FAUUSP, I was invited to do the cenography of their 2012s largest event.
After my participation in 2011s FAB LAB SP workshop, I was invited by Prof. Paulo Fonseca to be a monitor on the subsequents years workshop.
Equador, 2012
Event Scenography
Event cenography
Motor controlled camera flash
Servo motor controlled RGB flash.
Paper Spitters, 2012
comic strip distributing machine
Mechanical comic strip distributer. Designed and built in conjuntion with Marcio Ambrosio, from Kosmo.
State of Siege, 2012
light installations
Series of animated light sculptures for Bijari’s first solo exhibition.
Batalla de Ingenios, 2012
Educational TV Program
Participated in an educational TV Program by Discovery Channel. In it, me and the other 9 participands from all over latin america built structures and mechanisms out of bamboo, metal and other materials. These structures where then field tested, so that the theoretical concepts that we used to build them could be demostrated. It was shot in Argentina, by Endemol, and aired at Discovery US Hispanic, Discovery LatAm and Discovery Brasil.
I generated some patterns in Processing related to a traditional brazilian mid-year party. Me, Daniel Rodrigues and Beatriz Alcantara then constructed a ballon onto which these patterns were mapped.
FAU-ECA, 2011
Photodiode based interactive installation, video mapping.
Workshop related to digital fabrication, where I designed a flexible mechanical structure that would react to being pulled by strings. The electronics and firmware were Radames Ajnas part.
Equador, 2011
Event Cenography
Event cenography
China Canton Fair, 2011
Fair and Factories Visits
Visited China Canton Fair, as well as some manufacturers of electronics as part of a trip exploring fabrication in Canton and Shenzhen, China.
Aktuell Installation, 2011
Light Installation
External light installation.
Expansion Project, 2011
Light Installation
Hardware for light installation at MASP.
Photography Workshops, 2011
Long exposure and LED Lights explorations
Gave a long exposure photography workshop at the course I was studying at University of São Paulo.
Photography and translation of student works for an exhibition and publication.
Persistence of Vision Display, 2011
Persistence of Vision displays for dance club “Fun House” in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Misc Personal Projects, 2011
Misc personal projects from 2011.
Maestro, 2010
Musical Sequencer
Interactive musical sequencer. Interaction was made through detection of finger position (LEDs) through blob detection on Processing. One of the fingers was the cursor, and if the other finger got close enough the program registered a 'click'.
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Group project for 'Visual Design 6' course at University of São Paulo, with Prof. Daniela Hanns and Prof. Ricardo Nakamura. -
Leques Trocados, 2010
Teather Scenography
A play by Livia Lazaneo and Daniela Lobo, for which I built the custom LED lamps and controllers that were operated during the play. The concept by Livia Lazaneo allowed the structures to be moved and lit or turned off, which would represent the evolution of different spaces and mindsets of the characters (trapped, lost, going through a linear path, etc).